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Episode 1 - Industry 4.0 

Join us as we discuss Industry 4.0, what it is and it's impact on humanity and industry. 

Connect with us on Social Media and share your thoughts and please be sure to ask us questions!
Twitter - Brad @techbradwaid
Steve @steveacho 

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Brad Waid

Industry 4.0 - Smart Manufacturing & Smarter Business

What is Industry 4.0? 

Industry 4.0 is the 4th major advancement in the manufacturing progress.  The first was using water and steam to power the mechanical process in manufacturing.  We call this The Industrial Revolution - Mid to late 1800's.  The second was Mass Production, think of Henry Ford's introduction of the assembly line circa 1913.  The third was the introduction of the computer, which led to automation - 1970's & 1980's.  Now, we find ourselves amidst a new age of manufacturing, "smart manufacturing" (Smart Manufacturing - Next Post)

Industry 4.0, by some, is defined as the convergence and application of 9 digital industrial technologies. They tend to include; Autonomous or Advanced Robotics, System Integration, Big Data, Augmented Reality, Additive manufacturing, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Simulation and Cybersecurity to round them out.  See below

If you are in the area for one of my talks on Industry 4.0 or Smart Manufacturing, please stop by and say hi.  

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Brad Waid

Working with VISCOPIC's Pins Editor is very simple and easy to use. With this Windows application you can create a virtual 3D representation of your environment or product. It's incredible that you can now create and publish to a HoloLens or an iOS device with just the push of a button and create your own Augmented Reality workflow in Industry. The web-based editor has a nice layout and it is very simple to use and it has intuitive control. It accepts most 3D models and works great with CAD models. There is no CAD data upload to the cloud necessary so, there is more protection of your data. VISCOPIC’s Pins Editor is a great way to deliver training to new employees with step-by-step instructions that can be simulated and displayed on output devices such as AR glasses, smartphones and tablets. It standardizes processes, enhances quality and accelerates procedures just to name a few. It's so simple to use that it becomes a great option when you are ready to enhance your training and design your own workflow.

See my video tutorial at the YouTube link below and please visit them at

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Brad Waid

Have you wanted to be able to create your own Augmented Reality content but lack the programming skills? Well, this company has created a quick an easy way to create Augmented Reality content for devices like Holo lens and iOS mobile devices with no programming skills necessary! The company is called VISCOPIC and they are out of Munich, Germany.  Their tool is called “PINS” which stands for “Points of Interest”. Using their easy to use editor program, you can quickly upload any standard 3D CAD model and start designing AR experiences and creating your own workflows.  It’s perfect for training, quality management, assembly, maintenance and more.  Stay tuned for more as I show you how to use PINS step by step and share the benefits. To find out more visit them at 

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Brad Waid
Snapchat Dysmorphia

Snapchat Dysmorphia

Did you know that the latest plastic surgery trend is to look like a snapchat filter and there is a name for it.  

Snapchat Dysmorphia 

We now live in a time where we are choosing to put digital information on ourselves and it is influencing our lives on a daily basis.  

Where do we go from here?

Please share and comment on social media. 

tag me @techbradwaid (IG & Twitter) Brad Waid on LinkedIN and FB. 

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Brad Waid
Did Hollywood Have It Right? #AR #VR #MR #ML #AI

Did Hollywood Have It Right? #AR #VR #MR #ML #AI

Did Hollywood Have It Right?

This is a  question I ask during one of my keynotes.   I speak about emerging technology and the impact it is having now, the impact it will have in the future and what questions we need to be asking ourselves now.  

Let's take a look at just a few movies that brought us wonderful advances in personal technology that are now becoming a reality and why we can never go back.

Star Wars - Star Wars gave us Princess Laia as a hologram.  (1977) 41 years ago

Minority Report - Minority Report introduced us to Mixed Reality as we watched Tom Cruise manipulate and interact with digital information as he played detective in the future.  (2002) 16 years ago 

The Matrix and Ready Player One - Using Virtual Reality, these two introduced us to the possibility of escaping our flesh and blood, brick and mortar world to live in a virtual world where anything is possible and living beyond our earthly limitations. (2003 & 2018) 15 years ago and this year respectively

iRobot & Deux Ex Machina - These movies along with many others, introduced use to the human and moral side of Artificial Intelligence.  (2004 & 2006) 14 years ago and 12 years ago respectively

As we continue to build and enhance our ability to leverage technology, we are faced with some fascinating questions.

18 Questions we need to ask about Emerging Technology 

Holograms and Holographic technology
How do we get past the "smoke and mirrors" and implement into meaningful experiences?

Augmented & Mixed Reality
How will we incorporate this will Big Data & IoT?
How will it change learning in the classroom?
What happens when someone Augments your physical appearance without your permission?
What happens when someone puts digital assets on your physical property or person?

Virtual Reality 
How can we build virtual worlds to train and learn in safer environments?
What does the new "Real Estate" market look like?
Who owns the virtual world?
Should it be regulated?
What mental health issues may arise from people choosing to live in a virtual world?
Should we try to be someone else in a virtual world?

Artificial Intelligence
How do we leverage AI to help solve global problems?
Will AI increase or decrease our human intelligence?
Will AI divide our education system?
Can physical teachers and AI teachers work together?
What is the answer to keep AI under human control?
Should AI be regulated?
Who will benefit the most from AI?

In just the last few months I have sat down and worked with many companies around the world working through these questions.   As we face these new crossroads, what road will you take?

Please share your thoughts, answers and your own questions.

Author - Brad Waid @techbradwaid Futurist, Speaker, Consultant, Game Changer

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Brad Waid
[name=Brad Waid] [img=] [description=Award Winning Educator, Emerging Technology Leader, Global Influencer, International Speaker, Keynoter, Top 15 influencer in Augmented Reality, Branding and Messaging Specialist and a good story-teller. Working with schools, industry, businesses, thought leaders and government bodies to improve learning, education and the human experience. ]