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Working with VISCOPIC's Pins Editor is very simple and easy to use. With this Windows application you can create a virtual 3D representation of your environment or product. It's incredible that you can now create and publish to a HoloLens or an iOS device with just the push of a button and create your own Augmented Reality workflow in Industry. The web-based editor has a nice layout and it is very simple to use and it has intuitive control. It accepts most 3D models and works great with CAD models. There is no CAD data upload to the cloud necessary so, there is more protection of your data. VISCOPIC’s Pins Editor is a great way to deliver training to new employees with step-by-step instructions that can be simulated and displayed on output devices such as AR glasses, smartphones and tablets. It standardizes processes, enhances quality and accelerates procedures just to name a few. It's so simple to use that it becomes a great option when you are ready to enhance your training and design your own workflow.

See my video tutorial at the YouTube link below and please visit them at

Brad Waid
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[name=Brad Waid] [img=] [description=Award Winning Educator, Emerging Technology Leader, Global Influencer, International Speaker, Keynoter, Top 15 influencer in Augmented Reality, Branding and Messaging Specialist and a good story-teller. Working with schools, industry, businesses, thought leaders and government bodies to improve learning, education and the human experience. ]