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Work with Brad

Let's Work Together!

I'd love to come speak at your event, talk with your company, work with your executives, work with your institution and work with your product.

Contact me at 
or message me on social media

* Speaker
* Trainer
* Consultant 
* Spokesperson 
* Evangelist 

Educational & Industry - (email for rates & program details) 

Half day and full day programs for Elementary, Middle School, High School & University

- Leveraging Technology 
- Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality 
- Industry 4.0 
- Understanding Future of Work and The New Workforce
- Digital Citizenship (w/ Digital Citizenship Institute
- Culture and Innovation
- Design Thinking 

Industry (email for consulting & speaking rates)
- Industry 4.0
- Smart Industries
     * Smart Manufacturing
     * Smart Agriculture 
     * Smart Medicine
- Smart Cars and Autonomous Vehicles 
- Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence 

Brad is an award-winning speaker, consultant, educator, futurist and emerging technology leader, from Michigan, who has 14 years classroom experience and 5 years of industry experience, where he has been recognized as a leader in implementing and leveraging technology in both education and industry.  

In addition, Brad is a global influencer and international keynote speaker and has delivered his message and worked with companies and organizations, not only in the U.S. but world-wide. 

Keynotes, Speaking Engagements, Training & Professional Development

Hamilton New Zealand
Malaysia; Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia; Selangor (KL)
Hong Kong
Dublin, Ireland
Frankfurt, Germany
London, England
Cambridge, England
Toronto, Canada
Adelaide, Australia
Gold Coast, Australia
Toronto, Canada

California, Florida, Texas, Ohio,Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Montana, Kentucky, Oregon, Georgia, North Carolina, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Colorado,Wisconsin, New Jersey and more!

Popular Keynotes & Sessions

* Industry 4.0
* The New Workforce - Technology, Automation & The Worker
* Smart Manufacturing & Smarter Business
* Smart Farming and Agriculture
* The New Look at Medicine - How Emerging Technology is changing the landscape & saving more lives
* The Smart Car & Autonomous Vehicles
* Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence - ML & AI
* New Horizons
* Artificial Intelligence - From HAL to Siri
* Augmented Reality - Beyond the looking glass
* The Digital Overlap

* Engaging the Globally Connected Student of Today
* The Digital Overlap
* Augmented Reality - Beyond the looking glass
* Virtual Reality 
* Design Thinking
* Beyond these 4 walls - One R.U.L.E to change the world
* Inspiration, Innovation & Culture
* From Shakespeare to Star Wars 

Email or contact Brad for availability and rates - 

Brad's Social Media
Twitter - @techbradwaid
Instagram - @techbradwaid
Facebook - Brad Waid
LinkedIn - Brad Waid
Email -

Brad Waid
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would like to inquire about your rates and availability for an event in Kalispell, Montana please.

    1. Hi Cherie,

      Thanks for the inquiry. I would love to come to Kalispell Montana! My friend Carla has told me all about it. I would love to chat with you. My email is


[name=Brad Waid] [img=] [description=Award Winning Educator, Emerging Technology Leader, Global Influencer, International Speaker, Keynoter, Top 15 influencer in Augmented Reality, Branding and Messaging Specialist and a good story-teller. Working with schools, industry, businesses, thought leaders and government bodies to improve learning, education and the human experience. ]